Strictures Dilation

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About Strictures Dilation

Stricture dilation, or widening of a narrow bowel segment, is used for a variety of conditions, most commonly for esophageal strictures.
Dilation is an option for shorter urethral strictures that are less than one centimeter in length. For longer urethral strictures, or for those that have returned after treatment, dilation is not usually effective in providing long-term relief, so surgery is usually recommended.

Urethral Stricture is a pathological condition mostly found in males which occurs in the urethra, which is a tube which carries urine from the bladder so that it can be eliminated from the body. In normal males, the width of the urethra is enough for urine to pass through it easily but in cases of Urethral Stricture there is narrowing of this tube resulting in difficulty for the urine to pass through it. This condition is called as Urethral Stricture. This condition causes flow of urine to be severely restricted.

Esophageal dilation is a procedure that allows your doctor to dilate, or stretch, a narrowed area of your esophagus [swallowing tube]. Doctors can use various techniques for this procedure. Your doctor might perform the procedure as part of a sedated endoscopy.

Symptoms Of Urethral Stricture?

  • Reduced volume of urine output
  • Increased urinary frequency and urgency
  • Painful urination
  • Abdominal or pelvic pan
  • Urethral discharge
  • Swelling in the penile region
  • Hematuria

The best approach for treatment of Urethral Stricture is to widen the urethra so that the urine may flow easily. This is done by an instrument called as dilator. In this procedure, the physician will insert a small wire through the urethra and into the bladder. Gradually larger dilators will be inserted to make the urethra wide enough for urine to pass through easily.